aiComply Overview

aiComply, born as a Spin-off of the University “La Sapienza” of Rome and today partner of Agic Group, provides companies with professional services in order to improve their organization, processes and information systems also through solutions that exploit artificial intelligence as well as ensure compliance with Italian regulations and the main international standards in ICT Governance.





Our Consulting services guide companies in their reorganization and Digital Transformation paths, in order to accompany them in the growth and efficiency of internal processes. The application of innovative artificial intelligence and decision support tools enables the development of customized ad hoc approaches, based on the characteristic needs of our clients.

Compliance & Risk Management

In response to increasing riskiness in organizations, aiComply offers tailored solutions to support organizational structures in managing regulatory compliance. Our approach is to detect, analyze, monitor and address an organization's risks, with the goal of ensuring compliance with international industry best practices.
Key areas of focus include:

  • Adaptation to data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR);
  • Assumption of the role of Data Protection Officer (DPO);
  • Implementation of solutions for the management of “Whistleblowing” reports;
  • Assumption of the role of Supervisory Board under Legislative Decree No. 231/2001;
    Impact assessment
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ICT Governance

Our experience in the ICT field allows us to provide, design, implement and improve ICT processes, minimizing cyber risks and optimizing processes and infrastructures according to the specific needs of each company. We ensure full compliance with Italian regulations and major international standards, such as NIS2, DORA, TISAX, and the definition of ISO 27001:2022 Management Systems.
Our services include:

  • Definition and implementation of ISO 27001:2022 management systems
  • NIS2 compliance
  • Implementation of DORA regulations
  • TISAX certification


Audit is the main tool for measuring compliance with mandatory and voluntary requirements. Our consulting services (e.g., process audits, compliance audits, ICT audits, so-called mock inspections), will enable you to obtain an objective assessment based on data and evidence from which to undertake activities aimed at continuous improvement.

change management

Change Management

aiComply supports its clients through the provision of Change Management&Adoption services, integrated with Digital Transformation and Organizational projects, pursuing the following main objectives:

  • Ensure that the project has effective business resonance to increase its success;
  • Using a people-oriented approach such as FCS (Critical Success Factor);
  • Gain support and participation from the people involved by effectively planning and managing engagement, communication and training;
  • Anticipate, identify, manage and mitigate resistance to change in order to reduce it to facilitate adoption.

Do you want to know more or have some questions?